The CUBI Forum Mission


The 1-st ITBM&S (International Target and Background Modeling & Simulation) Workshop was held in Ettlingen on 26-30/6/2005. During the workshop it was decided to establish the CUBI Forum as a platform for sharing ideas and data related to measurements and modelling of temperature distribution of simple objects.

CUBI is a physical object which is rather simple in geometry but complex enough to serve as a critical test body for IR signature modelling. The basic concept of the CUBI Forum is to generate experimental data on the temperature distribution across the CUBI surfaces as functions of the time-varying environmental loads, to make the resulting time histories available to the IR signature modelling community such that they may serve as inputs for critical model development and evaluation, and to compare the modelling results. Since CUBI is a rather simple object which can be reproduced at moderate cost level, there is hope that many experimental groups pick up the idea and conduct CUBI measurements under a wide range of climatologic conditions.

The CUBI Forum consists of both, experimentalists and modellers. The main rule is that the Forum is open to everyone who is committed to contribute. Any reasonable contribution is welcomed: results of calculations or field measurements, experimental techniques, mathematical methods, numerical tools, ideas for investigation, etc.


Ettlingen, April 8, 2008

Haifa-Nesher, April 8, 2008



Dr. Dieter Clement

Dr. Alex Lessin







Gutleuthausstr. 1

POB 271



D-76275 Ettlingen

Nesher, 20302







Phone: +49-7243-992-113

Phone: +972-4-8216-402



Fax:     +49-7243-992-298

Fax:     +972-4-8216-396











   FGAN-FOM              IARD



   Research Institute for Optronics and Pattern Recognition                                  Institute for Advanced Research and Development